Pool Equipment

Pool cleaners

Imagine a world where you can spend more time enjoying your swimming pool rather than cleaning it. Pool cleaners and vacuums are here to make that a reality. Poolz is happy to guide you through the different types of pool cleaner options and vacuums, how to choose the right one for your pool, and the benefits they offer. By the end, you'll be ready to dive into a cleaner, more enjoyable pool experience.

Short Summary

  • Pool cleaners offer time and effort savings, improved water quality, energy efficiency & reliable cleaning performance.
  • Consider budget, size/shape of pool & maintenance needs when selecting a cleaner.
  • Regular maintenance checks from experts are essential for optimal functioning & longevity of a pool cleaner.

Types of Pool Cleaners

Pool cleaners come in three main types: suction, robotic, and in-floor cleaners. Each type has its unique mechanism and advantages, making it crucial to understand their differences before making a decision.

So let's explore these types and see which one can transform your pool maintenance routine.

Suction Pool Cleaners

Suction cleaners use the suction power of your pool's main pump to suck up debris and dirt - think Kreepy Krauly! This type of cleaning is more effective than brushing or skimming the pool manually. They are suitable for managing light to medium debris load in swimming pools and can be budget-friendly options for pool owners.

However, it's essential to ensure that your pool pump is powerful enough to generate the necessary suction for these cleaners to work effectively. On top of this, you need to make sure your pool pump, skimmer basket and filter is cleaned often to ensure the suction pool cleaner is performing its best. With a suction cleaner, you can maintain a debris-free pool, providing more time for relaxation and enjoyment.

As the suction cleaner uses the main pool pump to operate, they are not the most energy efficient option. They are also take the most time to put in and out of the pool.

Robotic Pool Cleaners

Robotic pool cleaners are the sophisticated, high-tech option for pool maintenance. These self-contained units employ navigation and brushing technology to effectively clean walls, floors, and stairs while filtering debris from the water. They feature dual-action brushes for scrubbing surfaces, powerful filters that capture even the smallest particles of dirt and other debris within, and smart navigation technology to clean each section of the pool just once.

The benefits of using robotic pool cleaners go beyond their advanced technology. They save time, effort, and improve water quality. They offer increased energy efficiency, as they run off a power point, not the pool pump. They also keep the skimmer box free to do its job of skimming. Like a dyson, the robotic cleaners suck the debris into baskets inside the robot, for easy cleaning, and do not use the pool's filtration.

Investing in a robotic pool cleaner means investing in a more enjoyable pool experience with less time spent on maintenance.

In-Floor Cleaners

In-floor cleaners are an innovative option installed directly into the floor and steps of your pool. These cleaners utilise a series of strategically placed nozzles that push water around the pool, thereby pushing debris towards the main drain, where it's then collected in a filter bag or basket.

In-floor cleaners are highly efficient, effective, and known to be quieter than other types of automatic pool cleaners. It is best to have an in-floor pool cleaning system installed when the pool is build or installed due to the fact that the fact that the system requires holes in the pool shell and supporting plumbing under the pool shell.

Choosing the Right  Pool Cleaner

Now that we've explored the different types of automatic pool cleaners, it's time to consider which one is the best fit for your pool. Factors such as your budget, pool size and shape, and maintenance needs will play a significant role in your decision.

As you weigh your options, keep these considerations in mind to choose the right automatic pool cleaner that will keep your pool sparkling clean without breaking the bank.

Budget Considerations

When it comes to budget, automatic pool cleaners vary significantly in price. Suction pool cleaners are typically the most economical, with a price range of $300-$1,500.  Robotic pool cleaners are the more expensive, typically costing between $1,500 and $4,500. In-floor cleaners are the most expensive option, usually adding around $10,000 to $15,000 to the total cost of your new pool build and install.

Poolz recommends you get a quote from a pool builder as the cost of an in-floor cleaning system varies considerably depending on the type of pool, fibreglass or concrete, as well as the size and shape of your pool.

Pool Size and Shape

The size and shape of your pool can influence the type of automatic pool cleaner that is suitable for your needs.

Suction and robotic pool cleaners all require that you have cable or pipes long enough for the cleaner to reach all corners of your pool. As a rule of thumb, it's always best to get 2-4m more cable/pipe than the length of your pool to give the cleaner ample freedom to get around your pool.

On top of this, each model of pool cleaner will have different capabilities when it comes to pool shape and contours. Some cleaners are best suited to square ore rectangular pools with lots of angles, whilst others are better suited to freeform pools with curves. It is not really the type of cleaner you need to consider here, but rather the actual model within the type you choose (ie. the model of suction cleaner best suited to your pool type).

When it comes to in-floor cleaning systems, it is best to consult your pool designer or builder to discuss the size and shape implications. Given these systems rely on jets that pop up from the floor of the pool, a pool large pool with more corners will require more in-floor jets than a smaller more uniform shaped pool.

Pool Type

The most common pool types in Australia are concrete, fibreglass and vinyl, and each is very different to clean. On top of this, concrete pools are usually tiled or have a pebble finish, both of which is quite different when it comes to cleaning.

As with pool size and shape, the material you pool is made from doesn't change which type of cleaner you should get, however it may change the model or brand within a category. When you have decided what type of pool cleaner you want, be sure to confirm it performs well on the pool surface you have before purchasing.

Always check with your pool builder that the pool cleaner you are getting works best with the interior of your pool.

Leaf and Debris Load

This is an important factor many pool owners overlook when buying an automatic pool cleaner. For example, robotic pool cleaners have a basket built into them to capture the leaves and debris, so making sure you get one with enough capacity to clean your pool will definitely make your life easier. Be sure to consider the amount of debris your pool gets (or is likely to get if you're a new pool buyer!) before purchasing an automated pool cleaner.

Maintenance Needs

Different types of automatic swimming pool cleaners will require varying levels of maintenance. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and periodic maintenance checks from experts are necessary to ensure the optimal functioning of an automatic pool cleaner.

The standard procedure for cleaning an automatic pool cleaner entails removing any debris from the filter, emptying the filter bag, and cleaning the skimmer basket. For optimal results, it's recommended to drain the auto pool cleaner first, clean the filter, and store the cleaner in a cool and dry environment.

Keeping maintenance needs in mind when choosing an automatic pool cleaner will help you select the one that best suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Benefits of Pool Cleaners

Pool cleaners offer numerous benefits, making them a worthwhile investment for pool owners. They provide dependable, robust cleaning and effective solutions for all pool types, local service and support, and reliable, long-term performance based on advanced cleaning technologies.

Let's delve deeper into the specific benefits, such as time and effort savings, improved water quality, and energy efficiency.

Time and Effort Savings

One of the main advantages of pool cleaners is the potential time and effort savings they offer. The actual time savings depend on several factors, including the size of the pool, the type of automatic cleaner used, and the frequency of cleaning, but research indicates that automatic pool cleaners can save both time and costs.

By automating the pool cleaning process, you can spend more time enjoying your pool and less time on maintenance tasks.

Improved Water Quality

In addition to time and effort savings, automatic pool cleaners contribute to improved water quality. Maytronics pool cleaners, for example, boast an innovative filtration system designed to conserve water and enhance water quality. The Maytronics Dolphin pool cleaner offers energy savings, decreased water consumption, and decreased chemical usage.

Top Brands and Models of Automatic Pool Cleaners in Australia

When it comes to selecting the best automatic pool cleaner for your needs, it's essential to consider the top brands and models available in the market. In Australia, leading brands such as Dolphin, Creepy Krauly, Water TechniX, Zodiac, Pentair, Onga, Hayward, and Maytronics offer a wide range of options to suit various budgets and preferences.

Poolz will soon be launching a product reviews section on our website where we will go into more detail on each of the major brands and models to help you decide.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting Tips for Pool Cleaners

To keep your automatic pool cleaner running smoothly and efficiently, regular maintenance and troubleshooting are essential. By following the tips and guidelines we'll discuss in this section, you'll extend the life of your pool cleaner and ensure it continues to deliver the best performance in keeping your pool clean and inviting.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal functioning of your automatic pool cleaner. It's recommended to clean the filter at least once a month, ensuring that all debris and dirt are removed and rinsing it with clean water.

In addition, running your pool pump for 8-12 hours per day will help maintain proper water circulation and filtration. By adhering to a regular maintenance schedule, you'll keep your pool cleaner in top condition and prolong its lifespan.

Common Issues and Solutions

Common issues with  pool cleaners include getting stuck on obstacles, inadequate cleaning of the entire pool, short or damaged hose, damaged brushes or suction vents, pool cleaner not laying flat, inadequate cleaning of pool walls, and motor block or cable issues.

To troubleshoot these issues, check the hose for any damage, inspect the brushes and suction vents for any damage, ensure the pool cleaner is laying flat, and examine the motor block and cable for any issues. By addressing these common issues, you'll ensure your pool cleaner remains effective and efficient.

Professional Support

Seeking professional support for the maintenance and repair of your automatic pool cleaner is highly recommended. Professional services may include maintenance and repair services provided by professional pool cleaners, as well as technical assistance and customer service provided by the manufacturer or authorised dealers.

Don't hesitate to reach out to professionals when you need help with your pool cleaner to ensure it remains in optimal working condition.


In conclusion, pool cleaners offer a convenient and effective solution for maintaining a clean and enjoyable swimming pool. By understanding the different types of pool cleaners, considering your budget, pool size and shape, pool type, debris load and maintenance needs, and following regular maintenance and troubleshooting tips, you'll be well-equipped to choose the right automatic pool cleaner for your pool. So dive into a cleaner and more enjoyable pool experience with the help of an automatic pool cleaner, and make the most of your time swimming, not cleaning.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our friendly team.
What is the most efficient robotic pool cleaner?
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The most efficient robotic pool cleaner is the Dolphin Explorer E20. This powerful robotic swimming pool cleaner delivers excellent performance while being easy to operate thanks to its simple setup and programmability.

Its impressive cleaning time and power makes it a great choice for owners who want to quickly clean their pools with ease.

Can you leave automatic pool cleaner in pool?
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It is not recommended to leave your automatic pool cleaner in the pool for a number of reasons including exposure to pool chemicals, danger to swimmers, damage from overdue maintenance, loss of manufacturers warranty and exposure to the elements.

Instead it is recommend that you remove your pool cleaner after use, empty the filter canister or debris bag, rinse it off and store it in a cool dry place.

What is the average cost for a robotic pool cleaner?
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When investing in a robotic pool cleaner, it's important to consider the long-term value. The average cost of a robotic pool cleaner is between $1,500 and $5,000, making it an affordable option for those looking for a hassle-free cleaning experience.

Robotic pool cleaners are a great way to keep your pool clean without having to manually scrub and vacuum. They are also more efficient than suction pool cleaners.

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